1. I'm going to go to Jakarta again this Thursday because Della's royal engagement is coming in hot!! Hahahh. I'm pretty excited and nervous at the same time.
2. Considering the royal engagement then I glanced into my closet, the first thing that struck my mind was what every girl always thinks about when she takes a look into her closet: "Crap, I don't have anything to wear!!" (padahal lemarinya penuh macem-macem baju hahahahaa).
So my mom agreed to buy me a kebaya (kebayas, actually hihihii). Hooraaaaayyy! Tapiii setelah kebayanya dipaket ke kosan dan aku coba, jeng jeng jeng, sarung kebayanya ga muat aja doooong di akuuuu!! It's the worst nightmare. No no no. Bukan akunya yang kegendutaaan! Orang kan sarungnya dicoba si Della juga (she has this freaking gorgeous bikini body, you know, flat abs and really long legs) dan di Della ga muat juga kok!! Hahahh! See, aku ga gendut tauuk. Sarungnya aja kekecilan nihh. Nah sekarang tapi peer buat benerin sarungnya huhuuh.
3. Surabaya had a rain last Thursday. Finally hahahaa. Well, though it was a quick rain and actually it was more like drizzling than raining, but it was okay. Because Lord knows how much I missed the rain. It was only too bad the rain was coming with a blackout. Blackout is totally the worst thing you can have in the rain.
4. And I truly failed miserably reading that Midnight's Children. Well, mungkin karena tersugesti duluan yah, gara-gara baca review yang pada bilang bahwa Midnight's Children adalah bacaan berat. Dan memang bacaan yang berat sih, tapi aku pikir jauhhh lebih ga menarik The Catcher In The Rye. Tapi tetep akhirnya aku masi males baca Midnight's Children, lebih tertarik baca ulang Harry Potter dan Sherlock Holmes hihii.
5. Dan akhirnyaaa, setelah telat seminggu dari jadwal, I finally have the copy of J.K. Rowling's The Casual Vacancy in my hand!!
J.K. Rowling's The Casual Vacancy |
That belongs to me |