Finally.. Nulis blog lagi.. Berhubung kosan still modemless, nulis di wordpad dulu de, abis itu diupload ke blogspot..
Heeeemm.. There's sooooo many things i wanted to write but bcos the modemless thing, so i just didn't have right mood to write. Contohnya tuh ya, about rain in
beyond hejo's window
outside my lovely prison
on my way to gm
But hey, it's like 2009 now.. And actually i'm having my final terms exams here,uurrgghh... Tapi tapi tapi tapiii.. i have other thing to tell.. ihihihiiii.. On the last first january, i watched movie, twilight. And all i can tell is OH-MY-GOD Edward Cullen is so damn deadly gorgeous, sexy, hot, dangerous, and temptiiiing... Ya ampun ya ampuun ya ampuuuun.....
And the side effect of watching him for the WHOLE 2 HOURS had impacted me, directly. I dont know, maybe i have a disorder or something bcos i really really cannot get him out of my head, at all.. I even sometimes felt like i miss him.. I mean, he's just a fiction character, he's not even real for God's sake..
Sebenernya, honestly, bukan cuma Edward Cullen yang bikin aku begitu (emang sih, Edward Cullen yang paling parah), banyak tokoh fiksi laen, harap digarisbawahi, "tokoh fiksi" laen yang makes me fly away.. Just like Inuyasha, Michael Moscovits, Tappei Eguchi, Tao Ming Se (hehe, jadi malu nii), Mo Fan, bla bla bla.. Tapi ya ampuuunn.. Semuanya tokoh fiksi!
For me, they're just real.. Maksudnya bukan bener-bener hidup didunia nyata, tapi hidup di dunia mereka sendiri, somewhere, tapi mereka tetep ada.. I know, it sounds... weird? crazy? Whatever..
I love those fiction characters more than the real characters.. Aku suka Torres, dia ganteng-lucu-slurpslurp banget, tapi aku lebih cinta Inuyasha daripada Torres.. Aku mimisan kalo ngeliat Robbert Pattinson, but it’s Edward Cullen whom i’m in love with. Cuma ada satu orang-nyata yang bisa menyamai kecintaanku sama Edward Cullen, cant tell his name, but let's just call him you-know-who (tapi jangan ngebayangin Lord Voldemort!). With his wide back, happy-mischievous-childish eyes, he's oh soooo... unspeakable..
Walaupun lo-tau-siapa orang yang hidup nyata, bener-bener ada, but for me he's like living in the fairytale land, neighbouring with Edward.. Ironic it is.. He's the only man, so far, yang sanggup membuat aku ga bisa ngeliat matanya kalo lagi ngomong, langsung dagdigdug parah, sesek napas, hiperemia, trus pingsan.. Hahah, ga sampe pingsan si, tapi hampir..
Oke oke, i wrote too much i think, earth is calling, got to back to the cruel reality.. Masih mesti belajar buat uas nii...Huhuhuuuwaaaaaaaaaahh..
Oia, langsung beli twilight+new moon begitu keluar dari 21 abis nonton twilight.. Terus tadi nyusul beli yang eclipse.. Hehee..
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