Wednesday, May 20, 2009

somebody's me

It’s drizzling outside. Romantis abis. Haha.

Akhir-akhir ini my puppy pet sering muncul di facebook, entah meng-update status atau apa. Well, biasanya kalau aku sering ngebaca status seseorang, lama-lama akan ngerasa lebih “tau”, lebih intim, tentang orang itu. But this, is different.

Semakin sering ngeliat malah terasa semakin fiksi. Semakin tidak nyata. Like he’s only my imagination. Buatku, that puppy pet malah jauh lebih tidak nyata dari The Beast di Beauty and The Beast. All those memories, reminiscence, are fading away. Seolah-olah semuanya benar-benar cuma imajinasiku.

Maybe that’s why I was so happy to be in contact with his girl. So I can convince myself that all those memories was true, a fact of life.

It’s not only pathetic, but also not healthy.

Questions, will never figure them out

A face, will always linger in my mind

Eyes, too clear to stare

Distance, will never taper off

Memories, will always be recalled joyfully

Longing, will never be achieved

Tears, I couldn’t cry

They will haunting me. Everywhere. Everytime.

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