Saturday, March 20, 2010

A Review From A Lay Viewpoint

Sebenarnya sampai empat jam yang lalu aku sama sekali tidak ada keinginan untuk menulis postingan baru di blog. But right after, NO, even when I was still watching this movie, I've been itching for writing a new post about that movie on this blog. The movie I'm talking about is: My Name Is Khan.

You know I've been enjoying to watch Indian bollywood movies or fairytale movies since I was like, nine? I don't know I can't remember hahaa. And most of my friends were mocking my fondness for watching this kind of movie and sometimes making fun of it. Basically, I don't mind where the movies I watch come from :p

I'm not an movie expert, I'm merely a girl admires a movie and wants to express her feelings about the movie she'd just watched.

Dan balik lagi ke My Name Is Khan.

Menurutku, sebuah film punya lima power, lima sisi, untuk menjadikan film tersebut jadi worth watching: plot-screenplay-directing-nya, sinematografinya, aktingnya, soundtrack-nya, dan pesan moralnya (PPKN abis hahaa).

And My Name Is Khan has them all. From the very beginning until the ending part, the scenes were amazingly beautiful. Gambar filmnya indah banget dan di-capture dengan sangat bagus. Sepanjang film disuguhi soundtrack yang bagusss bangett dan pas, ngga berlebihan. Kekuatan musiknya bener-bener kerasa. Walaupun ngga tau arti liriknya karena pake bahasa India tapi feel musiknya dapet banget. Agak ketauan deh selera musikku, hehe. Ga deng, ini serius, beneran bagus :D

Kalau ngomongin masalah akting, well, there's nothing more to say. It's Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol, the Jeff Bridges and Sandra Bullock of the Bollywood. They're brilliant. Shah Rukh Khan bisa menampilkan karakter penderita autism dengan pas, ngga lebay kaya di sinetron-sinetron kacangan Indonesia. Dan yang paling berpengaruh di film sih biasanya plot-screenplay-directing-nya, yang di My Name Is Khan mampu membuat penonton stay di seat-nya masing-masing sampai film berakhir. Fresh and emotional.

Dan satu lagi point penting di film ini: pesan moral. Sejak terjadinya tragedi 9/11, berbagai sutradara tertarik memfilmkan peristiwa tersebut. Dan My Name Is Khan adalah film yang sukses memfilmkan tragedi 9/11 bukan dari sudut pandang korban-korbannya, kepahlawanannya (petugas pemadam kebakaran/medis yang meninggal demi menyelamatkan korban), terorismenya, juga bukan dari sisi chaos-nya, ledakan, tabrakan, kehancuran yang biasanya jadi favorit sutradara film-film box office, tapi dari sudut pandang penduduk muslim yang terpaksa menanggung prasangka rakyat Amerika, bahkan seluruh dunia. Nilai-nilai humanity di film ini menampar banget. Selama ini yang disorot dari 9/11 kebanyakan kan korban-korbannya.

Semua power yang bisa dipunyai suatu film dirangkai dengan sangat perfect di film ini. Cuma ada satu kekurangan di film ini, yaitu durasi. Durasinya yang panjang sebenarnya buatku ngga masalah karena keseluruhan film amat layak tonton, tapi buat yang gampang bosan bisa jadi akan lumayan mengganggu.

Kesimpulan: My Name Is Khan adalah film komplit. Not watching this movie is a BIG lost. Go watch it. You better watch it thru the big screen.

Oh, and I wanna say thaaaaaaaaank you for Amandita Parameswari, my dearest, yang ulang tahun hari ini (atau lebih tepatnya kemaren soalnya sekarang udah tanggal 20, hehee), ngasi kue lezat dan nraktir tiket My Name Is Khan. Tanpamu posting ini ga bakalan ada, dit hehee. Happy birthday!

image source:

1 comment:

mandhytaa said...

HEY HEY HEEEEY my baby dear,, ;)

y know what, i reeeeally enjoyed reading yer blog, esp. this post.. not bcos u put my name on it, but in fact, i've been dying to comment from the very beginning of reading this post.. :)

1.) u've reviewed a VERY outstanding movie
2.) u've done it in a good good way
3.) it was a great movie that the 4 of us watched, on my very special day! that i've been dying to watch cz i've heard this one's awesome, and our 'finally go out together again' day.. (however tiring that day was..) ;D

hey, i really agree on this review noon, i thought u'll only reviewed it from the good side only, apparently u've also reviewed the lackness (kekurangan) on this movie.. ;) i love the 'pesan moral' part, the five power on movie that u've mentioned, the comments, well, overall it's good!

and i really regret that u haven't watched 3 idiots tho.. [in theatre, not in 'dvd bajakan', cz u won't be getting such complete feeling if u only watch it on bajakans.. :( ] another awesome awesome indian movies too! myself, NOT compare 3 idiots with My Name is Khan, cz it's totally in different genre, and both turned into such a great great ones! ;)

oooohh, then the sweetest thing in the end of reading this post is: i found my name on this post! bolded! aaawwww happy! :D hahaha, thx noon, it'll be my pleasure to share my happiness to the ones i loved.. ;) my 19th of March won't be so special, if my dearest aren't there.. and i am sooo much thankful, Allah give me a chance to celebrate that special day with all my dearly beloved! :* ~alhamdulillaaah... :)