Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pages After Pages

Have I mentioned that I am currently into The Hunger Games trilogy? I have? Ah, too bad. Udah selesai baca tiga-tiganya dari beberapa minggu yang lalu dan tetep ga bisa berhenti baca ulang. Jadi gitu tamat Mockingjay, balik lagi ke The Hunger Games, terus Catching Fire lagi, terus Mockingjay lagi, dan baliiiiik lagi ke The Hunger Games dan terus muter-muter gitu sampe gila.

Aku kalo udah suka sama sesuatu gabisa ga lebe, akhirnya pasti suka berlebihan hihii. Sekarang lagi mau baca dua buku lain horeeeyyyy. Apa? Carranza? Apa ya itu? Hahahahahahahahaahahahahaakk *keselek*

PS: Udah nonton The Muppets. Ihh kok gaada Cookie Monster sihh? Gaada Big Bird dan Snuffleupagus. Eh apa The Muppets sama Sesame Street emang beda yahh? Bentuknya sejenis gituu hahahh au ahh.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Just Anything But Textbooks

So many books I wanna read, so little time. I'm reaaaally jealous of the people who always seem to have a time to read a book. You know, to read a book other than some dentistry textbooks which usually work as sleeping pills for me. Especially right now, when I suppose to read Carranza's periodontology textbook. For your information, it has over than one thousand pages. Ugh dear God. And of course I eventually neither read the textbook nor some entertaining one, but end up babbling here instead hahaa. So typically me.

If I write down a list of the things I wanna get for my birthday, I'm sure it'll mostly consist of books. The last book I bought was that Laskar Pelangi. Yeah I know, pathetic. But books are pretty pricey, particularly the imported ones. For my monthly budget has many priorities to concern about (harus menghidupi pasien, misalnya), I have to hold the urge to impulsively buy the books I wanna read.

It's my birthday next April. If you run out of ideas what to give me as a birthday present, here I'll give you a hint: I'll welcome any books happily :D

PS: Jadi inget salah satu bau favoritku diseluruh dunia: bau buku baru!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Even If The Skies Get Rough

Katanya mahasiswi kedokteran gigi itu cakep-cakep, kemana-mana rambutnya diblow, dandan cantik, kerja pake high heels. Yang begitu sih cuman dosen sama ppdgs-nya. Kalo mahasiswa internshipnya sih, nih ya aku jelaskan tampilan umum mahasiswi kedokteran gigi. Rambut diiket atau dicepol biar ga ganggu, pake rok atau celana kain karena ga boleh pake jeans, baju berkerah, jas lab, sepatu teplek, tas gede (bisa ransel atau tas pundak), seringkali nenteng-nenteng toolbox kaya montir bengkel. Dan kalo udah jam pulang klinik, tampilannya berubah jadi keringaten, rambut awut-awutan, plus kadang jas labnya kena noda cairan developer. Gembel banget dah pokonya.

Belom lagi kalo urusan nyari pasien. Ada sih jasa calo yang mau nyariin pasien. But it'll cost me a fortune. I'm neither some rich barbie girls nor porcelain china dolls. If I want something, I gotta work my ass off to get it. Jadi aku berusaha nyari sendiri. Apa lagi kalo bukan dengan cara keliling gang di kampung-kampung.

Kepingin tau rasanya cari pasien keliling kampung? It's the most horrible feeling. Pernah liat sales obat keliling perumahan? Ya kaya gitu. Lebih parah malah. Karena harus milih gang yang kecil-kecil banget, soalnya kalo gang gede biasanya orangnya golongan menengah ke atas dan mana mau dirawat di fkg. Gang yang bahkan motor ga bisa lewat. Sambil suka ada ayam berkeliaran. Also the blinding sun and the awful smell. Belom lagi kalo ada mas-mas nakutin yang suka suit-suit. Suit-suit doang sih masi mending, aku yakin ada beberapa mas-mas yang kalo ada kesempatan pasti mereka bakalan berani nyolek. Naudubillah ya Allah, jangan sampe. 

Kalo lagi nyari pasien gitu, rasanya sediiiihhhhh banget.  Baru ngomong, "Permisi, Bu. Saya mahasiswa fkg, lagi nyari pasien. Mungkin ada gigi yang mau ditambal atau di..." dan belom selesai ngomong udah dipotong, "Ga, mbak. Makasi." And with those looks on their faces, that kind of look yang muncul waktu nolak orang yang dateng ke rumah mau minta sumbangan. Sediiiiiiiiiiihh banget digituin.

It breaks my heart, you know. Sarjana, tapi kaya jadi sales. Apalagi kalo akhirnya pulang empty handed, ga dapet pasien sama sekali. Ada satu hal yang cukup menghibur. Kalo ketemu sama orang yang ramah. Ditawarin perawatan gigi, mereka dengan antusias nanya macem-macem tentang perawatan gigi, kadang bantuin nyariin tetangganya yang mau dirawat, bahkan pernah dipersilahkan masuk rumah dan ditawarin minum walau pada akhirnya ga dirawat.

Kalo lagi galau pasien, biasanya jadi suka mikir, seandainya kuliah di jurusan sosial aja yah. Lulus jadi sarjana, ga usah program profesi, langsung bisa nyari kerja dengan lapangan pekerjaan yang luas, bisa lanjut S2 didalam atau luar negeri dengan pilihan yang lebih banyak dan kesempatan lebih terbuka. Tapi dulu waktu spmb, aku doanya semoga dikasi jurusan apapun, yang penting yang paling baik. Dan dikasinya fkg. Jadi biasanya pikiran andai-andai itu langsuuuung aku buang jauh-jauh.

It's just, why do You have to make it soooooo haaard?

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Team Josh

You know you're team Peeta when you heard this rumour that Josh Hutcherson is dating Vannesa Hudgens and all you wanna do is to set that girl on fire.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

In Between The Hunger Games And Some Other Things

So. I caaaaaaaaan't help myself to write again hahaha. Of course. Very much predictable, indeed. Either it’s because I can’t not writing about The Hunger Games, or it’s just simply because I miss writing *shrugs*. To pour out what’s in my thick skull because somehow it soothes me, gives me time to rearrange scatterred things inside.

It The Hunger Games that ignited me. I already heard about the book since last year. But, nope, I didn't exactly have the time to spare to read it. But then koh arman organized this little quiz on his blog, winner get the book as a prize. He gave a very positive review for the book and he also reminded me that a movie based on the book is going to be released on March 23. So I was all itching to read it asap. I don’t want the movie to get ahead of the book to tell me the whole tale. But of course all this exams and assigments and requirements of patients to deal with were increasing in a worrying amount, gahhh. So The Hunger Games was left untouched.

What really urged me to eventually read the book in between threatening exams and taking care of the patients is when I googled about the upcoming movie and I found out that Josh Hutcherson is gonna play Peeta Mellark. This tiny information that did it. Cetek amat yaaa alasannya ternyataa hahahaaa.

My first impression upon the first pages of the book is that it’s beyond my imagination. I mean when I read some fictional books I usually imagine about how cool it would’ve been if it’s all real. Like Twilight hahaa. Or even Harry Potter. That somewhere in this planet there’s really a sparkling dazzling vampire or a magnificent old Hogwarts hidden (sering kebayang seandainya bisa, mau deh ngambil S2 di Hogwarts). But The Hunger Games is something else entirely.

It’s not about the futuristic settings that I found hard to comprehend. It’s that I just can’t imagine that there will be a time where people all over the world are shut in a poverty, hunger, violence, and forced to watch their children kill each other as an entertainment purposes. And noone even bothered to lift a finger against it. It doesn’t make any sense. Ga masuk akal. Kalau sampai ada jaman dimana ada orang dibunuh didepan publik dan gaada yang protes, berarti kayanya dikit lagi kiamat deh. But of course as more pages went on, it’s evident that Suzanne Collins won’t dissappoint the readers.

I don’t wannabe a spoiler. All I can say is the plot is a lot more intricate than I’d ever had estimated and that The Hunger Games is completely different than the stuffs I usually read (I'm referring to Miiko here hahahaa and The Hunger Games is about war). Well, it sometimes reminds me of Musashi, maybe because of the violence in them. The good thing is it has Peeta Mellark. You know, the lovey dovey type of guy I usually fall for. Without Peeta Mellark, I think The Hunger Games would’ve been all so much about tragical tragedy and hatred.

On the lighter note. Cape yah inggrisan hihi, mana belepotan lagi. Gapapa dong yang penting ngerti kan bacanyaaa hahaahaha. Sekarang pake bahasa ibu dulu.  Josh Hutcherson. Udah mulai suka dari jaman pertama kali liat di Little Manhattan. Terus gedean liat lagi di Journey To The Center of The Earth. Kebayang dia sebagai Peeta Mellark makin lahh berlipat gantengnya. Edward? Edward who? Hahaha ga deng, tetep lah cinta sama Edward. Mana sini yang berani ngatain yayang Edward!

Dan yang lagi jadi songs on replay diantaranya ada Safe And Sound-nya Taylor Swift (ost-nya The Hunger Games), video klipnya lagu ini si Taylor cakep banget persis barbie, walaupun aku lebih suka music video yang ada alur ceritanya, bukan yang sepanjang video cuman jalan-jalan tebar pesona gitu. Kalo video lagi suka Ours-nya Taylor Swift, lagi-lagi hehe. Ada ceritanya walaupun sederhana banget, terus cowonya juga unyu, bolak-balik diplay lagi kan jadinya. 

Terus ada juga A Thousand Years-nya Christina Perri. Entah kenapa ga rela deh lagu ini dijadiin soundtracknya Breaking Dawn part 1 (apa gara-gara menurutku filmnya jelek banget kali yahh). Lebih cocok dijadiin soundtracknya The Hunger Games hahahahaa mentang-mentang lagi mabok The Hunger Games nih. Video klipnya juga jeleeekk. Maksa banget itu potongan-potongan scene dari Breaking Dawn dimasukin kesitu. Jelas-jelas banget keliatan kalo beda lokasi, beda theme, beda deh, ga nyambung. Mending gausah dimasukin sekalian potongan-potongan scene-nya.

Ih betewe aku usil banget yah, komentaaaar aja! Pedahal kan suka-suka sutradaranya ya mau bikin video kaya apa, kenapa akunya yang repot hahaaha. Namanya juga mulut cewe, calon mulut ibu-ibu kompleks kan, semuaaaaaa dikomentarin hahahaa.

PS: barusan liat trailernya The Hunger Games. Kok agak kurang gimana gitu yaa. Yah kalo gitu let's set the expectation low, just in case.