Tuesday, March 3, 2009


I’ve been attending the lecture for 2 days now. But it feels like a whole week already. Okay, stop. I won’t complain anymore. I hope.

It’s only the beginning. I don’t have any assignment, yet. Because like I said, it’s only the beginning. So I still have some spare time to spend.

There’s something I’m about to confess. Well, here it is. I think I’m an absolute daydreamer. And it bothers me, especially when I was attending the lecture.

A case in point: I was listening to the lecturer, while he said “dokter gigi jaman sekarang harus mampu mengembangkan kemampuan di bidang wirausaha, mengikuti perkembangan teknologi, seperti internet…” and then I started daydreaming oh iya ah, tar mau online ke ophie ah. Sekalian nge-upload blog sama download lagu-lagu baru! Lagu apa yaa… oh iya, lagunya elbow kemaren belom semuanya didownload, mau nyari lagunya jay chou juga deh… Obviously I missed the following sentence from the lecturer. When I realized that my mind is clearly somewhere else but the lecture hall, “eh, apa tadi? Kok tiba-tiba si dosen ngomongin tanaman obat sih? Haduuuuuhh…

Contoh laen: “kalian harus belajar menjadi entrepreneur, harus kreatif, inovatif, dapat mengkonsumsi informasi dari …” Then it happened again, aduh, iya nih laper. Tar lagi makan apa ya. Pingin bu etik nih. Saus, kecap, sama sambelnya dibanyakin ah, heeemmm, slurp slurp! Eh, baidewei enterblablabla tadi artinya apa ya? Duhh.

Bisa juga kaya begini: dosen as usual lagi ngoceh di depan, terus tiba-tiba inka sama dela mulai bisik-bisik seru ngegosip sendiri, “eh ka, mas novan gimana?”, dan inka menjawab, “au tu del. Masa ya mas novan itu …” Akhirnya malah lebih konsen dengerin inka dela bisik-bisik daripada dengerin dosen. Haduh haduh.

It happens all the time. I’d assembled a great amount of elbow greese to keep focusing on the lecture. Apparently, I drew a blank.

Enough is enough. I’ve gotta work on it harder. Keep focus.

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