Monday, June 7, 2010

This Year Best Kiss!

The Best Kiss of MTV Movie Award 2010, once again, goes to Robert Pattinson and Kristen Stewart!! Woooowww! Horeeeeeee!! I can't believe I couldn't make it, I didn't watch this year mtv movie award! Sekarang cuman bisa doa-doa semoga segera ada yang nge-upload di youtube. Video lunmay-ariel aja ada masa video best kiss-nya ayang Robert Pattinson sama Kristen Stewart gaada, ya kaan!

And just like last year, they were playing and joking around, hahahaa. Aduuhh kecupp dikit aja K.Stew susahnyo! Hahahaa kasian ayang Robert!

He leaned towards her..

And then she pushed him away! Hahahaaa. How cute!

I'm so happy but yet I'm jealous! At the same time. I know. I don't understand either :P

image source:

1 comment:

Ana said...

waaa.. lucunya yaa mereka berduaa..